4WD upgrades including benefits of installing additional Fuel Water Separator & Crankcase filters



The freedom, power and off-road capability these vehicles offer is second to none. And if you want to continue making the most of what’s on offer, it’s critical to start considering how best to prolong the life of your engine so you can continue to enjoy countless trips long into the future.

Internal combustion engines utilise a crankcase breather which over time becomes contaminated with components such as oil, water and soot that build-up and can get into the engine’s air intake system leading to power loss and increased fuel consumption. The solution is to fit an aftermarket crankcase filtration system that removes contaminants form the intake system.

There are a number of standard filtration systems on the market, however they typically stumble at a critical point – the lack of volume and flow capability in almost all aftermarket filtration systems means that there is no guarantee the “stored” contaminants won’t find their way back into the engine via the intake system or directly into the engine’s sump.

The only product on the market that alleviates this issue is the Ryco RCC350K Crankcase Filtration System. This product, which works with all types of engine oil, removes oil impurities generated from blow-by gases in the engine, and unlike other recommended brands, it won’t redirect captured contaminants back into the engine. Thus preventing build-up and decreased performance.

Supplementary components that may suit your vehicle and situation more specifically, include the vehicle specific Fuel Water Separator Kits, which comes complete with all components ready to install, and ensure additional protection for diesel fuel systems.

For the complete fuel water separation and filtration system, Ryco’s has a new fitment kit to make fitting these additional filters in the engine bay.

To learn more about RYCO’s Fuel Water Separator Filters & Kits, and Crankcase Filter Kits, visit www.rycofilters.com.au.


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