ATTENTION Auto Repair Business Owners


ATTENTION Auto Repair Business Owners!

Don't have a good work-life balance?

Can't find technicians or apprentices?

Struggling to keep up with technology?

Concerned about capped price servicing?

Want to run a more efficient, successful and sustainable business?

This is for you!


The EVOLVE Workshop Program


Watch the full interview 'Why Aftermarket Workshops need to EVOLVE in 2022'





What's included?


Value: $249/mo

Academy Membership

tickIncluded in the EVOLVE Workshop Program

The EVOLVE Academy is our signature method for running a more efficient, successful and sustainable auto repair business. It's a proven process to improve the efficiency of every area of your business using best practices as well as the latest platforms and tools. Tune in to EVOLVE TV where leading experts share valuable strategies and techniques and join the conversation at EVOLVE HUB where leading workshop owners share their tips and tricks.

EVOLVE Academy Membership makes it easy to:

  • Understand and Leverage Technology
  • Operate more Efficiently and Profitably
  • Future-proof against Industry Challenges

EVOLVE Academy makes it EASY & EFFORTLESS to gain the knowledge you need in order to make your business more efficient







Value: $395/mo

Premium Business Listing

tick Included in the EVOLVE Workshop Program

The Premium Business Listing is our time saving tool.

A Premium Business Listing slashes the time it takes to educate motorists, take bookings and generate high quality customers with:

Our Premium Business Listing SAVES YOU TIME every day by handling customer education, generating leads and taking service bookings






Value: $340/mo

Technician Recruitment Package

tickIncluded in the EVOLVE Workshop Program

Discover where the best technicians are hiding, what they are seeking from an employer and how to craft a compelling offer to secure them for your business.

Our Technician Recruitment Tools make it possible to:

  • Craft a winning Job Vacancy Advertisement
  • Connect with Australia's Largest Network of Candidates
  • Help you Support and Retain your New Hires

Many business owners believe that it's impossible to find good technicians but EVOLVE Workshops get results! In fact, our #1 priority is your results, which is why we'll share with you the secrets and tools to attract and retain the best talent.  





Here's your deal:


Academy Membership

Easily & effortlessly gain the knowledge you need in order to make your business more efficient.

Value: $249/mo


Premium Business Listing

Save time every day so you can spend more time working on your business, not in your business.

Value: $395/mo


Technician Recruitment Package

Access the secrets and tools required to attract and retain the best technician talent.

Value: $340/mo


Total Value: $984





From: Ryan Davis - Founder & CEO of

To: Auto Repair Business Owner


Dear Auto Repair Business Owner,

Did you know that Aftermarket Auto Repair Workshops are one of the slowest businesses to adopt technology?

It's pretty crazy to think, given that our very purpose is to repair one of the most technologically advanced things that most people will ever people own (their car).

You're probably flat out at the moment, being pulled in all directions by different areas of your business. You know there are big challenges here and even more around the corner, but there are only so many hours in a day and only so many days in a week.

Do you remember the last time you took a meaningful break or holiday? Did you really detach from the business or was it still in the back of your mind while you were supposed to be 'recharging the batteries'?

At, we recognised that this is true for many aftermarket auto repair business owners and we're doing something about it.

The problem is that most of us aren't operating as efficiently as we should be. We're spending time doing things that we just shouldn't be doing any more.

We're sticking our heads in the sand instead of embracing digital platforms and tools that can help our businesses be more successful and sustainable.

For every day that passes where we ignore this, our businesses become less competitive and we inevitably create more and more work for ourselves down the track.

It's like instead of doing the preventative mainenence like we should, we are waiting for the breakdown. We all know this is the wrong approach when it comes to mechanical work, so why are allowing this to happen to our businesses? 

It's because we either don't think these things are a problem (heads in the sand) or we tell ourselves we are too busy, when we really just don't have our priorities in order.

For the many of you that know me, you know that I used to work at a successful automotive service and repair business in South Australia.

Every week I had conversations with the owners about getting the business online, investing in digital marketing, implementing new processes and tools in the business to operate more efficiently.

Nothing was ever actioned because the business 'was going well as it was'. Today, that business doesn't exist!

On the contrary, I've seen hundreds of businesses around the country get on the front foot and start to implement these things and they are thriving.

The best part?


The places I connect with these business owners is at conferences, events and functions because they don't need to be at their business! It runs largely without them because of the processes, systems and tools that they have put in place.

Now, the truth is, most of us don't want to be laying on a sunbed at the beach every day (you might think you do, but it gets boring after a while) and the reason for that is we love what we do. The point is, we're usually at our businesses because we WANT TO be, not because we HAVE TO be.

When your kids school concert, trip away with friends or family emergency happens, do you want to be 100% present or worrying about things falling apart in your business?


You may have heard the saying "Little Strokes Fell Great Oaks" which basically means that small but persistent efforts lead to big results.While this is true, If we're equipped with a blunt axe and we're swinging at a different tree each time, we don't make big results.

The EVOLVE Program equips auto repair business owners with the sharpest axe available through access to digital platforms and tools and ensures that you continue to swing at the right tree through regular, consise educational content from industry leaders.

The outcome that we're all seeking is a business that wastes less time, is more profitable and isn't threatened by looming changes in the industry.

At the same time, we want to acheive this in a way that doesen't require us to be personally tethered to the operations of the business.

We can try to make improvements in our business through trial and error of different platforms, start from ground zero with digital marketing, do what we think is the right thing but often isn't when it comes to operations and continue to post technician ads on job platforms with uninspiring results.


Like most things we try to take on ourselves that are 'out of our wheelhouse', we'll invest a lot of time, a lot of money and make a lot of mistakes along the way for a substandard result. has helped thousands of auto repair business owners level up their knowledge and achieve meaningful change in their business over the past years and the EVOLVE Workshop Program brings these ideals to a whole new level.

You're probably thinking... I'm too busy and I don't have time to do this, It's going to require heaps of effort, It costs too much, I think I can do this myself, It's impossible to get good technicians or, the the most deadly one I get, is "We're doing fine the way we are".

The fact that you are busy and don't have time is WHY you need EVOLVE, It will save you hours each and every week.

EVOLVE requires minimal effort to get started and you work through content at your own pace. EVOLVE costs the same price as a cup of coffee each day and pays for itself with a single job booking.

We've spent thousands of hours of research and development building EVOLVE so you don't have to.

We know what it takes to recruit the best technicians and where to find them and finally,

There are hundreds of businesses that waited until they started to feel the impact of not evolving who now no longer exist. Please don't be the next one.

Here's my promise...

You'll save hours of time each week, generate high quality customers, learn high value, actionable tips you won't get anywhere else in the industry, connect with leading aftermarket workshop owners and discover how to recruit and connect with with the best automotive technicians in the country.

So don't let this opportunity pass you by,

Join the EVOLVE Workshop Program Today!




Ryan Davis - Founder & CEO of


PS. Let me summarise your deal

On this page is a chance to join the EVOLVE Workshop Program for $197 per month.

It's a revolutionary program that is helping auto repair business owners run more efficient, successful and sustainable businesses.

Included in this price is:

-  Academy Membership

- Premium Business Listing

- Technician Recruitment Package


You can cancel at any time for any reason...

So what are you waiting for?

Click the button above and join us now.


Frequently Asked Questions


Is EVOLVE suitable for any size workshop?

Yes, the EVOLVE Workshop Program is suitable for all aftermarket workshops, no matter how small or large your workshop or how many staff members you have, you will absolutely benefit from the EVOLVE Workshop Program.


Is EVOLVE worthwhile for workshops in rural areas?

Yes. Effeciency, Success and Sustainability is just as important for workshops in rural area's as in metro area's. All workshops need to be providing modern solutions for their customers and EVOLVE helps them acheive that.


Is trustworthy?

Yes. is Australia's Largest Network of Automotive Service & Repair Professionals and is an initiative that is truly 'By the Industry, For the Industry'. Since 2017 our goal has been to 'Help mechanics become better mechanics' and our EVOLVE Workshop Program truly emodies this mission. We're supported by leading industry brands such as Repco, Bosch, Ryco, and many other trusted names.


Is now a mechanic price-comparison website?

No, We're educating motorists about the importance of finding and building a relationship with a high-quality mechanic, rather than comparing and choosing the cheapest price each time they need a service.


How do you ensure that only the best aftermarket workshops feature on

It's important to us that we are connecting motorists with only high-quality mechanics. Therefor, there are eligiblity criterea that apply to businesses that wish to subscribe to the EVOLVE program that relate to Business Conduct, their Google Profile and Training. You can find out more here.


Does joining EVOLVE lock me in to any sort of contract?

No. EVOLVE is a month-to-month subscription. In the unlikely event you wish to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time. Your subscription will remain active until the end of your current 'paid-to' date.


How can I reach out to you with a question?

If you require any assistance or support, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team at: [email protected]



If you're ready to EVOLVE into a more Efficient, Successful and Sustainable Auto Repair Business

Take the deal and join us now!




Join today and you'll get:


Academy Membership

Premium Business Listing

Technician Recruitment Package

Cancel any time


(Total Value: $984)




 All Pricing is GST EXCLUSIVE. Terms and Conditions Apply.