Best practices to Clean, Restore and Protect your Workshop Floor


Automotive Workshop Floors are subject to harsh conditions which can affect not only the appearance, but safety and efficiency of the workplace.

Vehicles require a range of different fluids to keep working and it’s not unusual for leaks to occur or for oils, solvents and chemicals to be dropped during maintenance and repairs.

After years of this, it can be hard to bring them back from the dead but don’t despair, here are some great tips to making your workshop cleaner, safer and looking a million bucks!




Any spills need to be able to be easily cleaned up to prevent accidents from happening, as well as protecting the concrete from absorbing fluids which leads to corrosion and staining.

Heavy traffic and impacts from tools or equipment being dropped also compromise the integrity of the concrete, leading to scratches, cracks and other damage which lends itself to corrosion and possible safety concerns for workers, as well as looking unaesthetic to any clients that may see the inside of the workshop.

See how much just resurfacing your workshop floor can do for the appearance of your shop...




There are many benefits to a well cared for workshop floor including:

  • Looks better for your customers
  • Improves the work environment for your technicians
  • Safer, prevent accidents, slips and workcover claims
  • Reflects more light for better visibility in the workshop


Cleaning your Workshop Floor

The most important part of maintaining an unsealed concrete floor is to clean up spills as soon as they happen, and prevent oils etc from penetrating deep into the concrete. Oil-saturated concrete will naturally repel surface coatings from bonding well to the concrete, so it is crucial to prevent oil and other liquids from penetrating deep beneath the concrete surface. Directly after a spill, the area should be treated with a degreaser and hot water to encourage the oil to purge out of the concrete.


Preparing your Workshop Floor

All workshop floors are in different conditions. Some may have big chips in the concrete and long standing stains. Whatever the case, the best preparation you can do is to mechanically grind the floor with a concrete grinder. This will ensure the best adhesion for any surface coatings.

If there is an existing coating on the floor that is in reasonable condition, you only need to lightly abrade the surface to provide a mechanical key. If there is an existing coating that is delaminating or peeling off, then this will need to be removed with the concrete grinder and the concrete underneath will need to be thoroughly abraded.

Brand new concrete will still require a grind, as the powdery surface laitance on new concrete will prevent a good bond with surface coatings.


Resurfacing your Workshop Floor

Now that you have a nice clean workshop floor, you want to keep it that way and make it even better by resurfacing with a heavy-duty epoxy paint.

When it comes to protecting your workshop floor, there are a number of options available.

Some important things to think about are how long will you be in the current workshop, do you want different colours to separate the work bays and driving areas and whether you want a high-gloss finish to brighten up the workspace.

If you’re considering resealing your floor for a long term ‘set and forget’ solution, Community Supporter Hychem Epoxy Systems recommends 2 great solutions -




Option 1: Motortuff

Motortuff is a premium solution that offers these benefits, is applied to a 3mm thick layer and has a service life of over 15 years. Hychem Epoxy systems recommend professional surface preparation and application for this product to ensure a satisfactory result and durability.




Option 2: 3 Step DIY

A great alternative to the Motortuff sealant is Hychem Epoxy Systems 3 Step DIY solution which can be applied by the end user for a great result at an economical price of approximately $15/sq meter.


If you’re interested in finding out more about either of these products or have any questions about cleaning, stain removal or choosing the right epoxy sealant, click the button below to request a no-obligation chat with Community Supporter, Hychem Epoxy Systems.

