FREE Vehicle Network Diagnostic Strategies Technical Training with Eric Walker from ATG


Eric Walker Hero


From Generic Scan Tool communication failures during state emissions tests to complex high-speed powertrain and safety system networks, communication problems and U-Codes are becoming a much larger problem every year. Most flow charts involve disconnection and passive measurements, which is not only the longest diagnostic path, but also the most likely to disturb the circuits before proper tests can be performed. This seminar solves that problem by providing the best code pattern, wiring, and topology analysis tips, followed by specific tests for each type of fault, including isolation, overlay, and known-good Lab Scope waveforms. The only thing better than having every great test available to you is having a decision-making process so that you choose the most appropriate test for each network fault you face. So we provide that, too! Case studies and examples are provided for CAN and almost all other manufacturer-specific protocols.

Join Eric Walker, expert automotive technician trainer, as he shares three hours of technical training you can take back to your workshop right away.

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About Eric

For Eric, being an automotive technician has never been just another job, but rather a lifelong passion. From an incredibly young age, Eric decided that automobiles were a fascinating combination of progressive technologies, and he knew that the Automotive Industry is where he was destined to be. Starting in High School he attended a 2-year Vocational School attending the Ford/AAA Competition. After high school, he attended Universal Technical Institute in Houston Texas. He graduated top of his class at UTI with an Associate Degree and was offered a chance to attend the BMW STEP program that had just started in Phoenix Arizona. In 1997, after graduating from the BMW Step program, he was offered a position as a Master BMW technician at BMW of Nashville Tennessee.

After working for BMW for several years, Eric decided he wanted to do more and considered opening his own business performing vehicle repair. So, in 2005 he started his own repair shop, Walker Automotive in Elkton, Kentucky, which specialises in European auto repair, but still with a high Domestic and Asian car count. After owning an automotive repair shop for 15 years and working in the industry for over 26 years, Eric decided to help other technicians by becoming an automotive trainer. Owning an automotive shop and continuing to work in the service bay allows him to relate to the current problems Automotive shops and technicians are facing today. Sharing his knowledge and experiences has become Eric's new passion to help Automotive Technicians and Automotive Shops become successful.


About ATG

The Automotive Training Group is dedicated to the automotive professional. We offer highly technical courses, backed up with unmatched technical information and trainer experience. Our classes are designed around the balanced goal of presenting complex information and techniques in ways that everyone can understand, while still challenging the most experienced technicians.


When is it?

The Cars in the Cloud Virtual Trade show will be held on:

Nov 26th, 2020 from 12pm noon to 8pm AEDT


The Vehicle Network Diagnostic Strategies Technical Training will be held at:

Nov 26th, 2020 from 4:30pm to 7:30pm AEDT


Did we mention this event is entirely free?

Don't miss out, secure your spot now... 


Register Here

*Please note there is no need to register again if you’ve registered previously for Cars in the Cloud




Get the Training Manual


The ATG manual by the same name includes the content from the webinar, plus many tips, known-good captures, and case studies that couldn’t possibly be covered in the 3-hour webinar. This manual is a good resource back in the shop because it includes more of the three key ingredients of a good network diagnosis: Knowing how each network should behave, having a huge arsenal of tests and tips, and providing decision-making information for each network and fault type to prevent wasting time on pointless tests.