Gates Launches ‘Protect The Ride™’ Cooling System Training


Protect The Ride


You want to keep your customers happy and keep their cars on the road. But replacing one part of the serpentine, cooling, or timing systems isn’t enough and can result in unhappy customers returning with additional repairs sooner rather than later. When you have a vehicle in your workshop, be system smart and avoid comebacks by doing a complete repair.

The new ‘Protect The Ride™’ campaign from Gates Australia focuses on this complete system repair message to ensure more profitable jobs for workshops and less customer comebacks.

As part of this campaign they have launched an overview of the program with a video on the importance of complete system maintenance targeted at the automotive consumer at

The second phase of the program is the launch of the ‘Protect The Ride™’ cooling system maintenance campaign. A dedicated web page has been setup and includes a detailed training video around the importance of cooling system maintenance and around modular hose. Mechanics are encouraged to visit the page at, watch the training video.




In the coming months Gates Australia will also release new parts of the campaign covering the Accessory Belt Drive System (ABDS) and Synchronous Belt Drive System (SBDS).


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