Tricky Triton




I posted (in the Private Facebook Group) about a 2013 Triton with lack of power and blowing black smoke. 113,000km full Mitsubishi service history, just out of warranty. I had about 23 comments with all the usual stuff, spilt intercooler or hoses, map sensor, vac line blocked for map sensor, stuck egr or intake restriction. I ruled out all of the above with physical checks, smoke machine tests, then pined out the map sensor, air flow and VSV for boost control with the scope. All tested ok.

So I suspected stuck Vanes in the turbo, yep removed, disassembled and cleaned. Refitted along with aftermarket cooler & pipes. Back to full power no more smoke and one happy customer that didn't have to buy a new turbo. Very easy basic job 4 hours all up.

Thanks to Mark Daniell from 'Spanner in the Works' for your submission!







Top Tip from Brad McGrath

"For anyone not sure how to check them a vacuum operated VNT at rest, will have the lever arm sitting away from the limiting screw. When you start the engine, it will move the lever arm up to the limiting screw. At idle the lever arm should be touching the limiting screw. For servo driven VNT, use the actuation test on in your scan tool.


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